Advanced Training
Foto Advanced Training

Education and training are the main i3N pillars to promote knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurs in leading edge fields of advanced functional materials, nanotechnologies, and nanosciences, from which the entire country and Europe will benefit. The students educated at i3N will have a solid formation in cross-cutting multidisciplinary fields, including a wide range of resources and experimental methods, as demanded by industry and SME to boost economic growth and the creation of jobs in Europe. 

i3N has been involved in 7 National & 2 International Master programmes, and 7 doctoral programmes. Areas of such programs embrace Physics, Materials, Microelectronics, Nanotechnology, Recycling and Nanomedicine. From these resulted in the graduation of 463 MSc & 60 PhD students, out of which 25 with an international double
degree. This also contributed to the creation of the European Academy on Advanced Materials.

FCT approved the PhD program in Advanced Materials and Processing (AdvaMTech, 2014-2017), involving all i3N and 7 Portuguese public Universities and 12 Research Centers, coordinated by NOVA FCT (R. Martins). 

i3N besides backing the courses aims to answer the demand for new skills needed in innovative methods, tools and the design and development of new materials for a plethora of applications, for which a multidisciplinary approach, involving communication skills, and science management, backed up by AI tools. By doing so, we
establish on both hubs an attractive place for educating the next-generation materials/physics scientists
and technologists that science and industry require to enable the current workforce to drive innovation in
the Portuguese/European ecosystem, fully aligned with Horizon Europe and the Portuguese semiconductor strategies. That is, to be able to support talents to innovate and push forward the research embraced by i3N, with a critical and entrepreneurial spirit. Moreover, it will prepare workers for the jobs of tomorrow, by bringing together researchers and educators able to upskill and reskill people, as demanded by the challenges of the future, contributing to the advancement of knowledge, innovation, and entrepreneurship grounded on science.